Modular homes in Live Oak, Florida

Need financing for your new factory-built home? No problem! Our site has a huge directory of qualified manufactured home lenders, many of which serve the state of Florida. They are experts in every aspect of financing your new manufactured or modular home and ready to answer any questions you may have. We can help put you in touch with lenders that will assist with anything from construction loans to FHA/VA and Home Only financing.

Flexible design and customization is at the heart of modern factory built housing. Whether in Live Oak, Florida or almost anywhere else in the country, traditional onsite construction is no longer efficient, except in special cases. Any home that can be built on site can also be achieved with manufactured and modular housing. Distinct roof structures, porches, and architectural design aspects are the industry standard, and manufactured homes are no exception. Whatever your design requirements, they’re all obtainable with a custom-built manufactured or modular home.

Why does building a home inside a factory make such a big difference? Traditional homes that are built outdoors are often victim to bad weather, like rain, wind, or even snow. All of these things can drastically slow down the process of building your home. Florida is no exception, and that’s why having your home constructed in a climate-controlled, precision factory environment guarantees your home will be in pristine condition and be built much faster.

Popular modular homes near Live Oak

  • Manufactured
  • Modular
Palm Harbor Homes Logo

Ventura VI 30483C

  • 3
  • 2
  • 1440 (30"8' x 48'0")
  • Manufactured
Palm Harbor Homes Logo

Cottage Farmhouse 28522J

  • 2
  • 2
  • 1387 (26"8' x 52'0")
  • Manufactured
Palm Harbor Homes Logo

Pompano IV 40482B

  • 3
  • 2
  • 1920 (40"0' x 48'0")
  • Manufactured
  • Modular
Palm Harbor Homes Logo

Summer Cove III 28602A

  • 2
  • 2
  • 1608 (26"8' x 52'0")
  • Manufactured
  • Modular
Palm Harbor Homes Logo

Easton Farmhouse 30683A

  • 3
  • 2
  • 2240 (30"0' x 68'0")
  • Manufactured
  • Modular
Deer Valley Homebuilders Logo
Mossy Oak Nativ Living Series


  • 3
  • 2
  • 1920 (32"0' x 68'0")
Offered by: C & G Mobile Homes

Live Oak area overview

Wondering what it’s like to live in Live Oak, Florida? We understand that choosing a place to live is just as important as choosing the modular home that’s right for you. Take a look below and see what the area has to offer. Check out local maps, explore things to do in the area, get facts and statistics, and even plan a trip to visit. If Live Oak sounds like a place you’d like to live, we know it will be a great choice for your new modular home! 

Please note

All sizes and dimensions are nominal or based on approximate builder measurements. The builder reserves the right to make changes due to any changes in material, color, specifications, and features anytime without notice or obligation.